Saturday, December 11, 2010

You're so Beautiful, No Matter What They Say.

While reading many peoples blog's, I noticed a topic that defines the teenage life, today. Vanessa Berrios makes it very clear:
If you were to flip through the newest edition of every single fashion magazine out there, you will always see a skinny girl on the cover. Never in my life have I seen a decent looking girl on the covers of the trends that us girls follow these days. Society has tortured the minds of woman and especially young teenage girls. They manipulated them into thinking that the only way that they could be beautiful is by looking like the anorexic girls in the magazines and on television.
 I totally agree with her response to Christy's post. Many teenagers always look through magazines or go on They show what is in and- out. They provide negative and positive ideas about what people wear, how they put their make-up on, and more importantly, weight. Weight is what changes everyone’s idea about beauty. Teenagers are manipulated into thinking that if they are fat or simply, not skinny enough, they are ugly. Magazines, "people who think they are perfect", and the Internet are creating an unsuccessful generation. This shit needs to stop.

The long legs, nice hair, skinny waist, big boobs and butt- are all what these magazines want us to see and believe. If we are not like those beautiful women on there, we are not fit for society, and die. And because of this, many teenagers commit suicide. They don't feel that they are fit nor welcomed to their own community.

When watching television, I notice they put-down those who overweight. For example, the main character from Precious- all they talk about is her weight, and how her dress doesn't look good on her, but it would look good on someone else. I don’t know why people assume it's fine to critize people's appearance to they world, why do they think it's okay?

Back where my parents are from, Eritrea, there are two types of people: Adults and Kids. I believe this "teenage" generation is just all in our heads. American's psychotically made this up. These “teenage” groups of people were created to increase America's wealth, economically. That is all.


  1. i responded to ur post :)

  2. Your insights about age differences in our culture continue to be on point as far as I can see. You say that the "teenage generation" is all in our heads, that we've made it up...Until recently I might not have agreed with you. But not long ago, I came across some reading which hipped me to exactly what you're talking about. Here are some of my notes:
