Thursday, November 4, 2010

Teen Beans.

While reading through many people's blogs, I finally found a topic that is easy to type about. Vanessa's Berrios is about how nowadays, many adults think that there is something wrong with the teenage generation, today:
Usually, you will most likely see an adult say “What has happened to the kids nowadays.” They think that we have all changed for the worst. To them, we are so different to how they were back when they were our age. I think that the older people think that everything we do is wrong. Apparently to them, every aspect of what we do and how we behave is not right.
I definitely agree with Vanessa. The attitudes elders assume about the teenagers today are ruthless and invaluable.  The assumptions adults put on use are only what they here on the news and rumors. For example, on the news, they always report that the percentage of teenage pregnancies has increased. So, many people believe that all the teenagers are unimportant, weak, and insignificant to the American society. They degrade us. 

I understand why they do this thought. They are angry and fear that more and more teens will get pregnant early, drop of school, and will not be able to support America. Many families are angry as well. Sometimes it is their daughter who is pregnant. It is really hard to get angry and help a child you is pregnant. So, patience is a tool that is to be developed during this new transition in life.

My parents are a totally different story...

My parents... Let me tell you, they are not scared to put out their opinion about anything...
When they see pregnant teenage girls, specifically, my dad, he gets really mad and starts yelling at me. He is like "We need to move out of this place, look at this girl *points at a pregnant teen* and starts asking rhetorical questions: what is going on with the world? Why is this happening? Are there any pregnant girls at your school? If there is I am taking you out...blah blah blah. My dad’s ridiculous, but I love him


Adults need to consider that all teens are not pregnant and rude, ruthless, and crazy. We are normal people going through our teenage days. We make many mistakes, but also, help with community service. Degrading the teenagers will create pressure, fear, and instability in our nation. So, mom's, dad's, aunties, uncles, grandparents... be nice. We will grow out of it and become great men and women, well, most of us...

1 comment:

  1. Really appreciated this.
